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Le Figaro

Jackie Kennedy, history rather than legend

John F. Kennedy's wife sought to inscribe her husband in the line of great American presidents.

Jackie Kennedy was not a heroine for young girls, nor a magazine icon.

"She had an enormous personality," says Frédéric Lecomte-Dieu, biographer *, lecturer and curator of exhibitions on the Kennedy family. He appreciated Pablo Larrain's film, and Natalie Portman's exceptional performance.

Photograph by Jacqueline Kennedy

"Jackie had an innate sense of history," he says. She was less interested in building a legend, in the Hollywood sense of the word, than in inscribing her husband in the line of great American presidents. "My husband adored Abraham Lincoln. I want him to be buried like him," she said the day after JFK's assassination. It was she who chose Arlington Military Cemetery," notes Lecomte-Dieu. She also decided to follow the coffin on foot, against the advice of her entourage: "We did it for George Washington, we'll do it for him", she said."

Jackie and the Kennedys exhibition in Biarritz

Le Parisien

On the Basque coast, in front of the old train station or at the lighthouse golf course, 164 photos of the Kennedy family - some of which were taken in the 1930s in the city of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques - are exhibited in the open air throughout Biarritz